We know our customers who make major purchases such as process chillers, have to plan out their strategy before pruchasing. The end of year is a great time for small businesses to make a big purchase for the upcoming year. By December, most companies have a pretty good idea of how their business is doing, […]
Brew and the Holiday Season
Although Bewery/Distillery month is coming to close here at Legacy Chillers, beer will still continue to be part of our culture and everyday life. It’s very likely there will be a selection of beer around most of our holiday gatherings and meals. So how do you know which beer or wine is best to serve […]
Chillers and the Fermentation Process
With the holiday season in full swing, it seems everywhere you look there is a holiday party. And what’s a holiday party without wine? The process chiller plays a big role in the fermentation process of wine, and without a chiller’s cooling capabilities, those tasty drinks we love woul not be possible. Why is a […]
Chiller Evolution
It’s hard to believe that process chillers have been around for so many years. The contirbution process chillers has had on the brewery/distillery industry is unmearurable, but it took a lot of work, trial and error, and failures to get the process chiller just right! Here are some of the challenges the early process chillers […]